Why breathe?

Skrivet av: Pamela von Sabljar Kategori: Okategoriserade, Touch of Life, Unfold Business, Unfold Core, Unfold Life

Why breathe? Your breath feeds your cells and organs with oxygen and energy. When you limit your breath, you deprive your body of optimal health. Deepening your breath and choosing to breathe consciously could possibly be the most effective way to improve your health. Just imagine! Focus your energy on your breath whenever you are traveling to work, bicycling, buying groceries, cooking, showering…

The breath is an important part of Unfold Transformations philosophy and methodology. Breathing consciously resleases tension in your body and muscles, calms your nervous system, reduces stress, fear and anxiety. It allows you to come into contact with your heart, emotions and passion. Yes, your breath connects your body, emotions, mind, and soul. It creates balance.

We want to practice conscious breathing together with YOU! We want to unfold our breath! That’s why we’ve decided to challenge you to a 30-day breath-challenge that will lead you to a sensation of being more alive, creative, vibrant and balanced in life.

The challenge is to breathe consciously present for 2 minutes each day. It will change your life. How is for you to discover!

You can choose to be guided by our meditation on soudcloud, which you can see at the end of this text. We will post the link on our Facebook page every morning.

When you are consciously present together with your breath, you are present with yourself. This enables you to choose how to relate to youreself, others and the world around you. Based on your breath, you can choose your true state of being, which is happiness and inner peace.

Allow your breath to be long and deep. Oxygenation is vital for your body and wellbeing. Through your breath you become present in your body and connect with your emotions. In extension, you will feel and be able to express your needs with greater ease and clarity. Expressing your needs leads to increased wellbeing.

Do you have 2 minutes of your day to designate to conscious breathing? If not, it’s time to look over your life.

Get ready! 1 – 2 – 3 BREATHE!