

Ju mer vi öppnar upp och ger av oss själva, desto mer får vi tillbaka

Jag lämnade Idöborg en torsdagkväll i november. Jag hade varit på Unfold Business och var på grund av andra uppdrag tvungen att lämna något tidigare än övriga deltagare. Jag stod i mörkret på den lilla betongpiren och väntade på taxibåten som skulle…

Do you want to obtain health 365 days a year?

What would you say if I told you that it is possible to stay free from illness 365 days a year? That simple methods, habits, movements and choices can cleanse and heal your body from the inside out. Its possible! I’ve been…

The circle is complete, the gap is closed.

War is over, end of discussion, the circle is complete, the gap is closed.   I want to thank you, my beloved brother, for being so true to yourself your entire life. For your persistent resistance when I have tried to fix…

I fill my life with opportunities

I fill my life my life with opportunities, taken, embraced, making the world a more peaceful place - for people, animals and nature. Within and without. I take full responsibility for all of the energy i put into the universe. On this…

Why breathe?

Why breathe? Your breath feeds your cells and organs with oxygen and energy. When you limit your breath, you deprive your body of optimal health. Deepening your breath and choosing to breathe consciously could possibly be the most effective way to improve…

Life wishes us the best!

The first time I consciously came into contact with personal development was a little over 2 years ago. I had had a very difficult time financially and psychologically, which also started to take a toll on me physically. I felt everything but…

Be true to yourself – become more of you

Filled with love, respect and gratitude after fantastic course days on beautiful Kos together with a professional Unfold Transformation team and fantastic participants - I have landed and am home again. During Unfold Life we have, amongst other things, explored our fears…

Do you nurture your inner and outer life?

Holistic leadership includes many facets from self-awareness and personal development in order to building strong relationships, the passion in making a difference and social and environmental responsibility. Are you among the future leaders who are interested in creating the next era of…

Personal development is about becoming YOU!

Unfold Life on Kos, Greece! My cell phone has been switched off for almost a week and my entire focus has been on growing into my leadership and above all becoming even more of myself. Because that's exactly what personal development is…